Find more authors who write sweet romances

I belong to a group of authors who all write sweet romances. "Sweet", by the way, is a description that's generally used for romance novels without sex or swear words. You can find the Sweet Romance Reads authors on many platforms: We've got a blog, a Facebook Page, a Twitter and Goodreads presence, and most of all, we've got a Sweet Team. The Sweet Team is a group of readers who will get brand new novels for free in return for an honest review. If you'd like to find out more and discover new authors, click onto this link: or simply click onto the box with the hands!

We've also published a book bundle together that has been on the USA Today best selling list for 3 weeks: It's called Sweet Christmas Kisses, and you can find it in the section "books".

And here's another great site where you can find more reading material: